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The 900th Time Around

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Oct, 2020 11:30 PM

As the Church continues to change, adapting to the times we live in, staying rooted in our heritage is ever more important.

The 900th Time Around

Chris Slocock with the Rector, Bishop Andrew, the Curate, the Mayor and Mayoress, and the Town Crier.

The Dorset town of Wimborne had a day of Commemoration and Celebration at the Minster Church on Sunday 27th September.

It was the Sunday when the Minster Governors were present to Commemorate the Benefactors of the Minster, and the first Sunday that Curate Nick Wells was present after he had been ordained a Deacon by Bishop Nicholas in Salisbury Cathedral. Opening the service, Rector Andrew Rowland gave Nick a special welcome.

Bishop Andrew, visiting the Minster for the first time since his appointment in 2019, presided and preached and the Mayor and Mayoress of Wimborne Minster Cllr Shane and Mrs Tracey Bartlett were present, along with Town Crier Chris Brown.

Bishop Andrew also dedicated the new Minster Hymn Books. The Revd Dr Brenda Gibson, who had been involved in the life of the Minster Church for over 30 years and who sadly died in January 2019, had left a bequest to the Minster, part of which was used to purchase new Ancient and Modern Hymn Books for the Minster. Brenda’s Brother Peter was alongside Bishop Andrew as he dedicated the books in memory of his sister.

Following the service, Chris Slocock was blessed by the Bishop and given a special shout by the Town Crier before the Bishop set off with Chris on the first of the 900 laps of the Minster which Chris is going to cover over the coming weeks.

Chris says:

"I was born and raised in Wimborne Minster. As a local man I am passionate about our Minster and our community in Wimborne. I want to raise funds for the Minster Makes Music Appeal to the benefit of its musical heritage. Inspired by others who have captured the public imagination, I have set a goal of walking 900 times around our wonderful Minster in celebration of its 900th anniversary.

"In celebration of the 900th Anniversary and in support of the Minster Makes Music appeal, to rebuild our wonderful organ, please give generously as I walk 900 times around the Minster, (estimated as more than 4 marathons in distance), I would like to raise at least £900.
"Think of the many ways to be proud of the building. Remember those who gave their time and effort to build it, those who maintain it, the choir, choir master and organist, the bell ringers the wardens, clergy, the administration and friends of the Minster. Think of what the building means to the Town of Wimborne Minster and everyone involved in the wider community.

"Let's be proud and celebrate our wonderful Minster and what it means to all of us! Come, walk, talk and celebrate with me, for a few laps - starting 27th of September."

Chris aims to complete his walk, a total of 102 miles, in stages over the coming months and has completed his first 50 laps. Chris' target is £900, and he has raised over £500 to date.

If you would like to donate, you may do so here.

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