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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Climate Justice for the Poorest

Climate Justice for the Poorest

by Michael Ford 5 December 2020

Bishop Nicholas has joined faith leaders and 57,000 people in urging the Prime Minister to set a 75% cut in UK emissions by 2030.

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Taking a bough

Taking a bough

by Michael Ford 5 December 2020

As an Eco Diocese, we are encouraged to make the best use of resources, and to be good stewards of what we have. As you will see, St James Church Ludgershall and Faberstown have had a literal windfall this year.

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It's good to be Gul-able

It's good to be Gul-able

by Michael Ford 5 December 2020

Shrewton CE Primary School has been learning about social action with help from local charity Gul.

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Comfort and Joy onscreen

Comfort and Joy onscreen

by Michael Ford 5 December 2020

Presents, carols, turkey, an empty chair and a video call – the Church of England launches a film for a very different Christmas.

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South West Carols

South West Carols

by Michael Ford 4 December 2020

Churches and schools in the South West of England are getting ready to take Christmas cheer online this weekend, with creativity and imagination, for the first-ever South West Carols online event.

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Saying it with candles

Saying it with candles

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

In this visual age, our parishes have been ingenious in thinking up fresh ideas for use in social media and to foster faith, and traditional ideas still work too.

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Beyond the Present: what's next

Beyond the Present: what's next

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

Over 600 clergy and deanery representatives from across the Diocese have attended our Beyond the Present Meetings, which ended last week.

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Roadside stall raises over £4600 for charity

Roadside stall raises over £4600 for charity

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

As our parishes continue their commitment to supporting local charities and those in need, there have been some surprising successes.

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Refreshing those in need

Refreshing those in need

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

As the pandemic continues and many struggle to make ends meet, our churches often work together across denominations and with local organisations, to make sure no-one goes without.

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Comfort and Joy in an Advent Calendar of Stories

Comfort and Joy in an Advent Calendar of Stories

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

Next week our Advent Calendar of stories is back, and this year the theme is Comfort and Joy.

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