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Climate Justice for the Poorest

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Dec, 2020 11:14 PM

Bishop Nicholas has joined faith leaders and 57,000 people in urging the Prime Minister to set a 75% cut in UK emissions by 2030.

Climate Justice for the Poorest

Original photo courtesy Christian Aid

In a letter drafted by Christian Aid, the signatories called on Boris Johnson, to pledge to the cut from 1990 levels, when he submits the country’s first climate plan under the Paris Agreement.

Bishop Nicholas signed the letter in his capacity as the Church of England’s lead bishop for the environment - other signatories included leaders of the Baptist Union, Methodist Church, United Reformed Church and Quakers.

They wrote:

“In 2021, the UK has the chance to be a true global leader. 2021 is a critical year to tackle the climate crisis and the UK is uniquely placed to lead the world in ambitious action as the President of the COP26 UN climate talks.

“Christian Aid, their supporting churches across the UK, and their local partners around the world expect your Government to tackle climate change in a way that is fair and just for the world’s poorest people. That’s why today we, as representatives of those churches, are writing to you in support of the petition being submitted to you by Christian Aid, signed by over 57,000 of their supporters, calling for action.”

The letter also called for action to support for climate-vulnerable countries with climate finance, assistance for communities needing to adapt to the impacts of climate change, and help to acquire renewable energy technology so they can avoid a fossil fuel based development path.

With the UK leaving the EU, it must now provide a standalone national climate plan to the UN climate body, the UNFCCC, outlining its proposed emissions cuts and the support it will provide to vulnerable countries that have done little to cause climate change.

This will be closely scrutinised as the UK is presiding over the crucial next UN climate summit taking place in Glasgow in 2021.

The letter concluded:

“As we look with hope to the securing of a critical deal in Glasgow next year, churches across the UK are committed - together with Christian Aid and its supporters - to working with you and your Government to help deliver a national climate plan that ensures climate justice for the world’s poorest people.”

The letter is accompanied by a petition signed by 57,000 people, demanding a New Deal for Climate Justice which puts the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities at the heart of global climate policy, stops the expansion of fossil fuel projects, and invests in rapidly decarbonising the UK economy.

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