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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM

Community Calling

by Michael Ford 25 March 2019

New Lay Pastoral Assistants have been commissioned by the Bishop of Sherborne, Karen Gorham at St Mary’s Cerne Abbas and welcomed back into their communities.

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Tea Room in the Rectory front room

Tea Room in the Rectory front room

by Michael Ford 29 January 2019

For the second year running Dorset’s Rural Officer, Revd Richard Kirlew and his wife Liz have thrown their Rectory open to the Benefice and beyond as a Tea Room for the day.

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Rural Hope Day - Keynote Speaker Announced

Rural Hope Day - Keynote Speaker Announced

by Michael Ford 29 January 2019

The Church of England’s National Rural Officer will be the keynote speaker at the Diocesan Rural Hope Ministry and Mission Day at Kingston Maurward College, near Dorchester.

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Countryfile Lover

Countryfile Lover

by Michael Ford 29 January 2019

Love was in the air when the BBC’s Countryfile visited Lover in Wiltshire to find out more about the small village as part of an episode being filmed for St Valentine’s Day.

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"People will be my first priority"

"People will be my first priority"

by Michael Ford 29 January 2019

The new Bishop of Ramsbury, the Rt Revd Dr Andrew Rumsey, has been ordained and consecrated at Southwark Cathedral by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and officially welcomed by Bishop Nicholas to the Diocese at a Service of Installation and Evensong at Salisbury Cathedral.

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The new Bishop of Ramsbury is ordained and consecrated

The new Bishop of Ramsbury is ordained and consecrated

by Michael Ford 25 January 2019

The new Bishop of Ramsbury was ordained and consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Southwark Cathedral today (25th January) and will be welcomed into the Diocese at a special Evensong at Salisbury Cathedral tomorrow afternoon (26th).

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Raising the Roof by Just Giving

Raising the Roof by Just Giving

by Michael Ford 22 January 2019

A church that lost the lead of its bell tower just after New Year has raised over £4,700 towards its repairs through a crowdfunding page.

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A "wise" appointment

A "wise" appointment

by Michael Ford 22 January 2019

Sarum College has appointed Salisbury Cathedral’s first Canon Theologian to its Board of Trustees.

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Leading Church figures urge Christians to take part in week of prayer

Leading Church figures urge Christians to take part in week of prayer

by Michael Ford 21 January 2019

Christian leaders across the UK have issued a joint letter encouraging Christians of all denominations to join in this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

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Following in His footsteps

Following in His footsteps

by Michael Ford 17 January 2019

The Revd Andy Muckle, Assistant Curate Gillingham and Milton-on-Stour, talks about his recent trip to the Holy Land as part of the Diocesan Pilgrimage led by Bishop Nicholas.

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