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Community Calling

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Mar, 2019 09:24 AM

New Lay Pastoral Assistants have been commissioned by the Bishop of Sherborne, Karen Gorham at St Mary’s Cerne Abbas and welcomed back into their communities.

Lay Pastoral Assistants (LPAs) are trained and authorised to engage in pastoral ministry on behalf of the local church, working as part of a team of clergy and laity.

While each individual’s ministry will vary according to their gifts and skills and according to the local situation, our new LPAs have a lot in common, as the ministry of an LPA calls for a loving and compassionate heart and a willingness to listen to and support those in need.

The ministry of an LPA holds a crucial place within the life of the local church, relying on good relationships with both clergy and the wider community and so for this reason, LPAs are invited into ministry by their parish priest and their calling is affirmed by the local church.

Sr Debbie Orriss CA, Discipleship Co-ordinator in the Diocesan Learning for Discipleship team, said:
“It was a joy to be present at the Commissioning of new Lay Pastoral Assistants last Sunday. We shared in a beautifully moving service and Bishop Karen preached about being ‘launched’ into ministry, in the power of God.”

The new LPAs, Valerie Champion, Caroline Ford, Gill Hartnett, Diane House, Jean Garrad, Stephen Milner, Janet Ranger, Claire Phillips and Paul Pinnock, undertook special Diocesan training and will be engaging in continuing development as they embark on their ministry.

The Ministry that they will be embarking on in their local communities may include, hospital and home visiting, working with children and young people, supporting the recently bereaved, helping people prepare for baptisms, confirmations and weddings and/or leading services in sheltered and residential homes

For details of how to find out more about becoming a LPA contact or call Revd Tony Edmonds on 01722 411944, or email him on .

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