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Home News Sudans Day 2020

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Sudans Day 2020

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Oct, 2020 05:50 PM

For over 40 years, the Diocese has forged ever-stronger links with the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan, and this well-regarded international link has brought mutual benefit and encouragement, as well as providing resources to face challenges.

Our Sudans Day is an annual fixture bringing together professional expertise, profound spirituality and deep personal commitment as we celebrate our links with our brothers and sisters in Sudan and South Sudan, and take a realistic view of the current situation.

The Sudans Committee says:

"Through the generosity of our supporters, the recent Bishop’s Appeal for Sudan and South Sudan raised £80,000, which is now being sent to both countries to help the churches there protect the people against Covid-19. The Link’s own funds have, however, been severely depleted by lack of income this year, and our ongoing commitments, including those to Education and the Medical Link, are threatened.

"We hope we may take this opportunity to ask you to perhaps consider regular giving to the Fund to enable us to continue to help the Sudans in the future. Details can be found on the Diocesan website [here]."

There has been good feedback from the day, and a number of resources have been produced. These include the following PDF downloads, available here:

  • Education Update [a PDF version of the PowerPoint]
  • Juba Diocesan Model Secondary School
  • Kids for Kids
  • Medical Link Update
  • Mission Aviation Fellowship
  • Renewed Cards for the Sudan Medical Link
  • Salisbury Diocese-funded work with ECS and ECSS
  • Salisbury-Sudan Deanery Links 2020
  • Sudans Day 2020 virtual programme
  • Visit to Terekeka
  • Wimborne Link to Yambio
  • Work with Army Chaplains in South Sudan

...and a full-resolution Education Update PowerPoint in Dropbox.

The organisers look forward to welcoming attendees to Shaftesbury again in October 2021.

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