Giving of our time and resources
Sudanese people are cheerful, tenacious and hardworking in adversity. What they lack in hardware is more than made up for in imagination and determination. Many charities operate in the Sudans, and the Sudan Link does not seek primarily to be a charity. We look to offer prayer, fellowship and help where others do not.
We spend funds on theological education, episcopal support and development as well as medical and educational needs. We supply much-needed primary healthcare supplies and medical training, schooling and other urgent needs. We also offer disaster relief aid where we can and support projects organised by deaneries and parishes within the Diocese of Salisbury.
Donations of all sizes are gratefully accepted and will be put to good use for the churches and people of the Sudans. Please consider giving regularly through a standing order. This helps us to cover regular commitments such as annual grants and medical training
How to donate
Print off and post a standing order form - click here
Donate online. Click this link: CAF Online and search for 'Sudan Medical Link' of the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Finance.
Via your online banking - Set up a standing order or donation using the details on the Standing Order Form. Then send your Gift Aid form by post to the Diocese.
Donate by post - Make your cheque payable to 'Salisbury DBF' and send it to the Sudan Link Treasurer, Church House, Crane Street, Salisbury, SP1 2QB. Please say whether it is for the 'Sudans Link General Fund' or 'Sudans Medical Link'. If you can Gift Aid your donation please include the Gift Aid portion of the Standing Order Form.
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