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by Michael Ford last modified 16 Oct, 2020 05:50 PM

As our parishes continue to innovate in these changing times, prayer, while continuing, is taking fresh forms.

PrayOctober is an initiative across the Deanery of Poole and North Bournemouth to pray for the end of Covid-19 and for those affected. The main focus is in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, and a number of churches from different denominations have joined the rota, offering to pray at various times in different ways.

Rural Dean Lucy Holt says:

"We have covered the month of October in prayer from churches across the BCP conurbation. We have lots of different denominations involved, and the support of Bishop Karen and Bishop Nicholas.

"I was on Radio Solent on 4th October and we have had a great response from this. It was a really good interview, with lots of opportunity to talk about God's presence in the midst of Covid. I have been so encouraged by this."

Canon Lucy has shared a rota and a simple prayer resource with participants, and there is a sense of corporate identity in prayer.

She adds:

"I am overwhelmed how this simple idea has taken off across the area and has resonated with so many churches. There is something very powerful about us all coming together in our own different ways to pray. We are using a very simple resource [view a copy] with a few verses of scripture, prayer topics and simple prayers, the use of this as a basis for our prayers holds the churches together.

"We are going to finish on 31st October with 3 Zoom prayer sessions open to all from 9-10am, 1-2pm and 6-7pm.

"It has been so encouraging to see churches from different traditions and different denominations get behind this and by the end of October we will have covered the month in prayer across the BCP area and beyond."

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