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Home News Job share starts in January

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Job share starts in January

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Dec, 2019 10:15 AM

From 1 January 2020, our Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser role will be a job share.

Heather Bland, our current DSA will be working Monday to Wednesday each week, and she will now be sharing the role with Jeremy Carter, who was a Detective Superintendent Head of Crime with Wiltshire Police, who will be working working Tuesday to Friday.

More about Jem here

Neither Heather or Jem will have direct dial extensions and all calls to safeguarding should come through the Church House Switchboard. Both DSAs are also available on their mobiles.

Heather is on 07500 664800;

Jem will be on 07469 857888 from 1 January.

Jem's new email adress will be

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