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Home News Wiltshire’s church leaders join nationwide fast to send a signal to G8

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Wiltshire’s church leaders join nationwide fast to send a signal to G8

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Oct, 2017 10:24 AM

The Bishop of Salisbury’s staff will lead a day-long fast across the Diocese of Salisbury on Thursday (June 6) to send a signal to G8 leaders meeting in Northern Ireland that the time has come to act on hunger.

The Church leaders - including the diocese’s three bishops, four Archdeacons and the Dean of Salisbury Cathedral - will join others across the country in the ‘IFast’ organised by the ‘Enough Food for Everyone IF’ campaign. The fast is part of the campaign to put pressure on world leaders to take action to end the scandal that is 870 million people going hungry when there is enough food in the world to feed everyone.

The IF campaign is calling on the G8 nations in particular this month to tackle the problem by bringing an end to corporate tax dodging in developing countries.

Fasting is a tradition throughout Christianity and many other faiths and has also been a powerful symbol across generations.  Other organisations involved in the Big IFast along with Christian Aid are World Jewish Relief, Islamic Relief and Speak.

The Bishop of Ramsbury, the Rt Revd Ed Condry, said: “We all need to eat, it’s something every human being has in common.

“But what we don’t have in common is our access to food. It is scandalous that all of the G8 nations are awash with food while elsewhere parents are still unable to feed their children.

“Hunger is the world’s biggest health risk. It kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.  In developing countries, a third of all child deaths are linked to hunger.

“We have to put pressure on the leaders of the G8 to take action and our hope is that by taking this small action as individuals we can come together as a movement with a voice that must be heard.”

The Church leaders will all fast from dawn until dusk and will join together at Salisbury Cathedral to say prayers of solidarity in the morning.

Christian Aid’s Wiltshire coordinator Katrine Musgrave said: “Hunger isn’t inevitable, it can be eradicated and the IFast is one way of sending an unequivocal message that we want to be the generation to bring it to an end.

“We are thrilled that Church leaders from across the diocese are supporting the IF campaign and being part of a growing wave of pressure which will culminate in marches in London this Saturday and in Belfast on June 15.

“For people of any faith or none who want to show their feelings on the issue and can’t make the marches, joining the IFast could be one way they can still make their voice heard. Anyone can register at”

Taking part in the IFast alongside Bishop Ed are the Bishop of Salisbury the Rt Revd Nicholas Holtam; Bishop of Sherborne the Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings; Dean of Salisbury the Very Revd June Osborne; Archdeacon of Wilts the Ven Ruth Worsley; Archdeacon of Sarum the Ven Alan Jeans; Archdeacon of Dorset the Ven Stephen Waine; Archdeacon of Sherborne the Ven Paul Taylor; Diocesan Secretary Mrs Lucinda Herklots; and the Director of Learning for Discipleship and Ministry, Canon Jane Charman.

A photo-opportunity will be available following Morning Prayers outside Salisbury Cathedral’s West Door on Thursday 6 June at 8.15am.
The Enough Food For Everyone IF campaign is supported by Christian Aid and the Church of England along with over 200 other organisations. Christian Aid sets out its vision to end global poverty in the 'Poverty Over' report and is also a member of the ACT Alliance, a global coalition of 100 churches and church-related organisations. See links below.

Christian Aid's main website
Christian Aid West on Facebook
Christian Aid West on Twitter 
Bishop of Salisbury
Bishop of Ramsbury
Bishop of Sherborne
Dean of Salisbury
Archdeacons' page
The 'Poverty Over' report
The ACT Alliance

Further information
Contact Katrine Musgrave: 07896 709119.

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