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Home News Curate’s Crazy Cycling Concludes

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Curate’s Crazy Cycling Concludes

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Jul, 2021 05:47 PM

On Thursday (15th July), at 5.00am, the Curate of St James’ Church Devizes, Richard Saint, began his challenge of ascending 10,000 metres on his bike using the online cycling platform Zwift.

Richard seeks to raise awareness of modern slavery and to raise funds for Hope for Justice as they strive to live in a world free from slavery. 

Read our previous story here.

For those waiting to see if he made it, the 15-hour cycle marathon was livestreamed on YouTube, with soothing music in the background. (Click here to watch.)

Curate’s Crazy Cycling Concludes- Richard Saint cycling on Zwift and typing a reply

Supporters could check in at any time during the livestream to see how he was getting on, and write encouraging messages in the live chat, which Richard replied to as he went along.

During each mountain ascent, Richard was on screen pedalling and taking in the stunning scenery of the virtual mountain. During each descent, short videos were shown detailing the work of Hope for Justice.

Curate’s Crazy Cycling Concludes- Richard Saint cycling on Zwift with Hope for Justice clip showing

Richard says:

“I struggled to ‘virtually’ ascend 10,000 metres on my bicycle. Everest is only 8,849 metres!

“I feared attempting this climb but that is nothing compared to the terror experienced every day by people kept in slavery. My cycle was painful, exhausting, and lonely at times, but it was only one day and nothing compared to the day-after-day-after-day life of men, women, and children kept in slavery.

“It is estimated that there are 40.3 million in forced labour, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude and forced marriage worldwide - not only in other countries but in the UK too.

“A massive thank you to everyone who has sponsored me, it is so appreciated!

“I want to live in a world free from slavery. Please consider donating generously, here.

“Thank you very much.”

Below: King of the Mountain!

Curate’s Crazy Cycling Concludes- King of the Mountain

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