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Ending the cycle of slavery

by Michael Ford last modified 30 Apr, 2021 11:55 PM

One of our curates is going above and beyond to raise awareness and raise money for his chosen charity, Hope for Justice.

Ending the cycle of slavery

Richard in training

The Revd Richard Saint, Community Chaplain based at St James’ Church in Devizes, explains:

"I want to live in a world free from slavery.

"On the 15th of July 2021 I will be struggling to “virtually” ascend 10,000 metres (Everest is 8,849 metres) on my bicycle!

"I will be attempting this challenge using the online cycling platform 'Zwift' and, to complete it, I will climb Alpe Du Zwift, at an average gradient of 8.5%, ten times, which will be a total of 10,360 m elevation and 240 km distance.

"The whole cycle should take between 15 and 20 hours, burning around 9,000 calories!!

"Why am I doing this?

"Because I strongly believe that a person is not a commodity to be sold.

"I want to raise money and awareness for an organisation called Hope for Justice who exist to bring an end to modern slavery by preventing exploitation, rescuing victims, restoring lives and reforming society.

"It is estimated that there are 40.3 million people in forced labour, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude and forced marriage worldwide (not only in other countries but the UK too).

"I know deeply that every person is important, but the certainty of this knowledge finds its firm foundations in my Christian faith which shows me that every person is created, known, and loved by God; immensely loved to such a degree that we cannot even comprehend it. Every person matters, every person is significant, no person is a commodity to be sold!

"My heart breaks over the darkness, isolation, despair, and hopelessness that people are kept in. No one should have their hope taken from them.

"I fear attempting this climb, but that is nothing compared to the terror experienced every day by people kept in slavery. My climb will be painful, exhausting, and lonely but it will only be one day, and nothing compared to the day-after-day-after-day experience of men, women, and children kept in slavery.

"Please consider donating generously via my JustGiving webpage [here], where the challenge will also be livestreamed on 15th July."

Hope for Justice seeks to bring an end to modern slavery by preventing exploitation, rescuing victims, restoring lives, and reforming society. For more information, visit

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