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Changes ahead for Grapevine

by Michael Ford last modified 29 Oct, 2021 09:05 PM

This week's is the last edition of Grapevine that will be co-edited by Michael Ford.

Changes ahead for Grapevine

Original photo by Carole Peters-King

Over the past 13 years, Michael has been at the heart of Diocesan Communications, beginning with the Sarum Linke-Bulletin, and Grapevine in its various incarnations.  

Michael has also edited two versions of the Diocesan website, pioneered our use of social media, and lent his many talents to the creation of numerous Diocesan presentations and booklets. 

You can read Michael’s leaving speech notes here. 

Carole Peters-King, Diocesan Director of Communications and Grapevine’s  co-editor, said: 

“Judging by the emails, messages and cards Michael has received, I will not be the only one to really miss him. 

“Michael has been a faithful servant to the Diocese and an extremely talented Communications professional.  

“I know you will join me in sending him off to his new role at his local parish church with all our love and prayers.” 

From next week Grapevine will have a new co-editor and a new timeslot. 

Amber Jackson is joining the Comms Team as one of two new part time Diocesan Comms Officers. 

Introducing Amber and Grace- Amber Jackson

Welcome, Amber! 

Amber will be compiling Grapevine at the start of the week, and it will be published on a Wednesday.  

So check your inboxes for the next edition on 3rd November. 

And if this week's Grapevine has been forwarded to you, click here to subscribe. 

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