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by Michael Ford last modified 26 Apr, 2018 02:55 PM

The Salisbury-Évreux Diocesan Twinning

For 30 years the Diocese of Salisbury has had an active, mutual and well-developed link - now a twinning - with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Évreux, in Upper Normandy.

In many ways, the nature of the Diocese of Évreux is similar to that of Salisbury.

The Catholic Church in France is the established or parochial church, roughly equivalent to the Church of England in this country.

The Diocese of Évreux comprises the Cathedral city of Évreux (about an hour's train ride north of Paris), a number of smaller market towns and many villages and hamlets spread over extensive agricultural areas.

Thus, the churches in both dioceses have many common points of reference related to pastoral work, rural ministry, lay training, work with children and young people and the role of and deployment of clergy and laity.

Not surprisingly this has resulted in much exchange, discussion and debate in the many years we have shared this link.


Click here for the 'New Patterns of Sustainable Ministry' document presented to Bishop's Council and Diocesan Synod; click here for the Évreux Archive.

Click the links below for:

    > Diocese d'Évreux (French website)

  • Real Friendship

    Over the years the details have changed, and bishops have come and gone. In one case, the Bishop of Évreux of the time, Jacques Gaillot, was sacked by the Pope for his radical views!

    Membership of our committee has altered and specific foci for meetings have reflected current matters or issues facing both dioceses.

    At present, the Évreux Committee hosts or is hosted in France during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Usually these visits are coupled to a theme such as rural ministry, lay training, Pastoral work, Church or the environment.

    In addition there are 3 active parish twinning projects involving Queen Thorne, Bridport and the Whitton Team.

    In this context, real friendships have grown up and sustain a relaxed and open approach to dialogue and learning.

  • The Évreux Committee

    The Évreux Committee is responsible to Bishop's Council. Its primary task is to develop the Partnership Link between the Roman Catholic Diocese of Évreux in France and the Anglican Diocese of Salisbury, along the guidelines devised by the Partnership for World Mission for Companion Links within the Anglican Communion, and taking note of the ecumenical issues involved.

    The Évreux Link was initiated by the Board of Ministry (now Learning for Discipleship and Ministry Council) to foster closer links between the dioceses. It now forms one of Salisbury’s three links with Churches overseas, the others being those with the Episcopal Church of the Sudan and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia.

  • Who are the Committee?

    The Évreux Committee consists of volunteers drawn from both Episcopal areas.
    Some speak French!

    The Committee is chaired by the Ven Antony MacRow-Wood, Archdeacon of Dorset:, 01202 659427


    The Secretary is Canon Nigel Cumming:  

    Mrs Jill Minchin: 

    The Revd Joanna Naish: 

    The Revd Suzanne Pattle:

    The Revd Jonathan Plows:
    , 01722 331647

  • Mutual Learning

    Our current project involves learning from Évreux in relation to their understanding of what it means to be Church in the rural setting and about provision for lay training for ministry within this context. 

    A study has been made, resulting in a paper presented to the Bishop’s Council and to Diocesan Synod. This will contribute to our developing thinking in these areas.

    Click here to download the paper.

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