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Westbury Leigh Remembers

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Nov, 2019 11:10 AM

At Westbury Leigh Primary School, the school community remembered together those who gave, and who still are willing to give, their lives for our country in securing a better future for everyone.

Every class took part in art projects around the theme of the poppy and Remembrance. As part of exploring these images, the children learned about why the poppy is such an important of symbol of hope.

Ms Isherwood, Assistant Headteacher explained that, "In WW1 the battlefields were so damaged and muddy that no one thought anything would ever grow there again, but poppies did. They blossomed and flourished in their thousands and were a beautiful and moving sight which gave hope during a time of destruction and desperation.

“Art and design contributes to the development of the whole child emotionally, spiritually, creatively, intellectually and socially; it generates in them a sense of enjoyment and purpose. We provided a stimulus that they interpreted in their unique way, linking this to our work on remembrance has instilled a deep knowledge and understanding of our heritage and how it shapes the things we do today such as buying poppies at Remembrance to support the British Legion.”

Westbury Leigh Remembers- work begun

Westbury Leigh Remembers- work completed

The artwork produced was displayed during the Remembrance Service in school, led by service children and the collective worship team, providing a reference point for the children as they reflected on the significance of this time.

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