Welcome Back!
Canon Joy Tubbs, our Director of Education welcomes the staff, pupils and governors back after their summer break.
Joy writes:
"I hope in these last few weeks you have been able to step aside for a while from your work, for a most wonderful and restful summer break: the opportunity for exciting and adrenalin filled moments; time for rest and relaxation; experiences that have brought hope and possibility that will enrich you personally and fuel you as you return to your leadership role in school.
"You expect great things from your children and young people and in turn, you expect great things of yourself. Here at the DBE, as you begin this new academic year, with the pleasures and the challenges that it will bring, we are so thankful to God for you; for all of the 194 school leaders and 22 academy trust CEOs and your staff and governors, serving the 43,000 children and young people of our diocese.
"We look forward to the learning journey in 2019/20 as together we explore more about how as church schools we can help every child to flourish; providing an education that embraces excellence and academic rigour, but vitally sets these principles in a wider Christian framework which educates for wisdom, hope, community and dignity.
"My hope is that we will help each other, school and church, working with the children and their families. The Diocesan Board of Education is your partner and friend on your journey.
"We look forward to meeting you, from Royal Wootton Bassett to Lyme Regis and all special places in between. We look forward to sharing your stories locally, regionally and nationally – shouting your triumphs from the roof tops. Thank you, as you begin this year, for your service to your children and your communities. I pray in turn, we will serve you."
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