Schools welcome new students to their classes.
Westbury Leigh welcome new children.
What an inspiring start to a new school year for all the Westbury Leigh new starters. Despite the challenges of lockdown, Westbury Leigh has aspired to ensure every new family joining them is clear on what to expect so that transition is smooth and positive for everyone – and it’s worked really well.
Mrs Towler, who is the Early Years Lead, explains, “What a great start to the year we have had! Fun, laughter and lots of fabulous learning. The children have settled amazingly well into their new environment; they are confident and happy and really keen to try new things. The children are loving spending time in the re-vamped outside area and have been thoroughly enjoying developing their learning through their play: using the big chalks to mark make, role playing in dens and wigwams and making great use of the space outside when using the trikes – they have even visited numerous exciting destinations on the outdoor train!"
The children are enjoying painting colourful pictures, building farms, castles and forts. And very much enjoy using the computers and iPads. The children have made all sorts of delicious concoctions in the home corner and especially enjoy pretending to bake cookies. They have even been writing their own shopping lists. The highlight of the day is our daily dance session which is loved by all!
Mrs Grimsey, Headteacher said, “As a whole school it has been a fantastic start to the term, the school team we have really missed hearing the children voices and enjoying their company. We are looking forward to having many more adventures as we continue our journey throughout the year- a big welcome back to all our families!”
Pictures provided by the class teacher;
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