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KOF-ing up some funding

by Michael Ford last modified 28 Feb, 2020 08:12 PM

A group of Wiltshire schoolchildren calling themselves KOF (Kids Organising Fundraising) have been raising money for various charities including Cancer Research and Wiltshire Air Ambulance.

Jackie Chalk, Head Teacher of Seend Primary School, explains:

"Bottles for collecting loose change have been in the classrooms for a couple of weeks, and the class raising the most money will get some extra play. This is going to Wiltshire Air Ambulance who luckily for us have a counting machine!

"On Thursday 13th February, a few stalls were organised selling cakes, toys, and homemade slime, plus a chocolate tombola and lucky dip. Children had the chance to spend their money in the afternoon – the younger children were helped by their Year 5 buddies - and the few things that were left were sold off at the end of the day. We are still waiting for the final totals but regardless, the event was a success and a learning experience for the children involved.

"Part of our vision statement includes the phrase “give generously” and was felt important particularly in our school where they children are generally from quite privileged homes. The children, all from year 3 and 4, have embodied this because this whole idea came from them.

"They came to the Head Teacher’s Office with their proposal, made posters, made things to sell, organised stalls, signs, and helped clear up afterwards. Their endeavours have also inspired the younger children and a splinter group of year 1/2 children have been selling bookmarks, pictures and poems they have created in the playground to help animals caught up in the Australian bush fires.

"The compassion the children have for others is very heart warming, and no doubt it won’t be too long before another event is organised, as this comes in a long line of child led fundraising activities for those less fortunate."

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