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Expectations, Nurture and Love

by Michael Ford last modified 10 Sep, 2019 12:59 PM

St Andrew’s Primary School in Laverstock has scored highly in a recent inspection.

SIAMS* Inspector David Hatrey noted that the school’s Christian vision is “fundamental to the life and direction of the school and is understood by all. It has shaped this exceptionally warm, caring community, transforming pupils’ relationships and their respect for others.

“The school is recognised as a beacon of excellence by other local schools for the quality of teaching and learning in religious education (RE), the innovative development of future leaders and their flagship work on ‘Food For Life Partnerships.’

“There is a rich tangible culture of aspiration across the school which inspires pupils’ attitudes to learning so they can be the best they can be.

“Worship is the heartbeat of the school, with the pupils’ worship team at the centre of this. They have real ownership of worship which challenges and shapes pupils’ lives and choices.”

The school’s vision of ‘Do Everything In Love’ is based on a specific verse from the Bible, and states “Our vision is to be a great school which has high expectations and where we all achieve great things, individually and together, within a nurturing Christian ethos through our core values of love, honesty and respect.”

Headteacher Karen Walker said:

“We are delighted that the Inspector found our school to be Excellent in all areas that were considered. We are pleased that the report highlights the strong ethos and relationships within our school and community.

“We are all very proud of the comments throughout the report that reflect on how our exceptional our children are. Yet again, it is wonderful to see that their tremendous attitudes have been recognised and acknowledged by external visitors.”

The school intends to develop its links with global communities, through Fairtrade and other means to deepen pupils’ understanding and develop leadership, and to fully involve pupils in comprehensive monitoring and evaluations.

St Andrew’s, Laverstock, is a primary school with 212 pupils on roll. The majority of pupils are of White British heritage. Few pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils who are considered to be disadvantaged is in line with national averages. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is in line with national averages. The school has established strong links with the local church and other schools.

* Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools

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