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A Messy Advent in Semington

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Dec, 2019 04:29 PM

St George's Primary School regularly opens up to its community in Wiltshire in creative, engaging ways - and Advent is no exception.

A Messy Advent in Semington

Photo by John Rees

Headteacher Jackie Chalk explains:

"St George’s Primary School’s vision is “supporting each other to courageously flourish, within our community, armed with our shield of Christian values. Be Kind. Be compassionate. Be forgiving,” linked to “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ, God forgave you” in Ephesians 4:32.

"Regularly opening up the school for community use is one way of demonstrating this in a really practical way. The school is used as the base for the Semington Slog, the village fete and most recently and regularly for Messy Church.

"The latest Messy Church unsurprisingly had a Christmas theme and the Christmas Story was told using the Bible Society’s 'With Love from God to You', a fresh retelling of the nativity story focusing on God’s heart for all he has made. Everyone worked together to make a joint Nativity picture, again developing that sense of community and kindness which is needed to collaborate on a project.

"Not only are the community invited in, but the school reaches out to the local community, raising money for Wiltshire Air Ambulance and Melksham Foodbank. Another demonstration of how the children are flourishing within the community, is during the regular visits to the village coffee morning, when the children join in games and conversation with some of the older members of the village."

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