PCC Membership
Michael Ford
last modified
01 Apr, 2011 04:28 PM
Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) Membership
The detailed wording may be found in Church Representation Rules, but for most purposes the membership is:
All clergy beneficed in or licensed to the parish
If the parish is part of a team ministry, then all the clergy members of the team of that ministry
Any deaconess or lay worker licensed to the parish
The churchwardens, (also the deputy churchwardens of any districts legally defined by Scheme within the parish)
If the PCC so determines, any Licensed Lay Ministers whose names are on the church electoral roll of the parish
All persons whose names are on the church electoral roll of the parish and who are lay members of the Deanery Synod, Diocesan Synod or General Synod
Elected representatives of the laity:
6 – where there are 50 or fewer names on the church electoral roll
9 – where there are 100 or fewer names on the church electoral roll
a further 3 representatives for every 100 (or part thereof) names on the electoral roll up to a maximum of 15 -
Co-opted members up to one fifth of the number of the lay representation or two, whichever number is greater. These can be either lay or clergy
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