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Home Parishes Pastoral Organisation The Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC)

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The Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC)

by Michael Ford last modified 14 Jul, 2020 10:06 AM

The Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC) is established under the Pastoral Measure 1983 and the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011. Its objectives are to review, as directed by the Bishop or as considered necessary by the Committee, arrangements for pastoral supervision in the Diocese. Bishops Council exercises the legal responsibilities of the DMPC.

There are four Archidiaconal sub-committees, each meets at least three times a year in each of the Episcopal Areas. Each sub-committee is Chaired by an Archdeacon and ex-officio members consist of all the rural deans, lay chairs and ecumenical officers serving in that area. These committees come together occasionally for joint meetings in which they can share discussions on matters of interest.

There is a statutory procedure for consultation with interested parties (e.g Incumbents, Parochial Church Council (PCCs) and Patrons of affected parishes) before proposals are passed to the Church Commissioners, who make Pastoral Schemes and Orders.

Click here to see details of the consultations which are currently in progress and are undergoing full public consultation.


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