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Home Parishes Giving and Generosity Giving Mechanisms

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Giving Mechanisms

by Michael Ford last modified 29 Jun, 2021 11:37 AM

The Covid-19 pandemic has only made the need to diversify the way people can give to our churches more pressing. Below are sources of practical information to help you adopt new giving mechanisms in your church.

Digital giving

Click here for Online Giving: A How-to Guide

Parish Buying can help you access contactless giving devices and also help with connectivity issues in your church. Browse here.

Parish Giving Scheme

This scheme is available to all churches in the Diocese. It simplifies the direct debit and gift aid administration for you and also gives donors the choice to annually increase their giving, making it a great way to future proof your funding. Find out more here.

Legacy giving

Giving a gift through a will can be one of the most transformational ways for someone to support their church and leave a lasting legacy. Find out more about leaving a gift or promoting this giving mechanism in your church at

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