Clergy Housing
The Department is responsible, through the Archdeaconry Property Committees of the Board of Finance, for 270 houses for parish clergy, including assistant curates, and for the Suffragan Bishops.
All functions are carried out in-house including management, buying, selling, letting and building. Because of longer term uncertainty over the pattern of pastoral care, a number of houses are temporarily let in case they are needed again in future. Some of these lettings are managed in house, but those a long way from Salisbury are handled by agents.
The provision and care of clergy houses is the primary statutory responsibility of the Property Department. The team is also responsible for the management and maintenance of the Grade I Listed buildings comprising the offices at Church House and the management of the four flats, together with the Diocesan Education Centre.
Key documents:
( = Latest updates)
General Notes for occupiers and those in charge of empty houses
- The House - An Overview for Newly Appointed Clergy
- Works to Parsonage houses in a Vacancy
- The Occupier’s Duty of Care
- Letting Empty Parsonage Houses
Internal Decorations Grant
Provision of Cookers
Improvements to Clergy Houses
Security in Clergy Houses
Preventing Public Rights of Way
- Loss of Amenity Grant Scheme
Woodblock Floors – advice
- Mobile Gas Heaters – advice
Visit the Church Commissioners page for:
- Parsonages and Glebe Diocesan Manual
- Parsonages: A Design Guide
Contact Shawn Donneky or Simon Ferris:
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