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Quinquennial Inspections

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Jul, 2021 12:18 PM

Diocesan Scheme for the Inspection of Churches - Quinquennials

Quinquennial Inspections have to be carried out every five years and are an important part of the regular maintenance and upkeep of the building. These are arranged by the PCC with their Inspecting Architect. The coronavirus pandemic and national lockdowns have undoubtedly had an impacted but you should not delay getting your church inspected.  If you are in any doubt please contact the Church Buildings Team at:

Quinquennial Inspections; new CBC guidance and Model Scheme

The  amendments made by the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2019 to the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018 came into force in September.  Please find the revised Salisbury Diocese guidance below.  This guidance was approved by Diocese Synod and Bishop Council in October 2020.  

Diocesan Scheme for the Inspection of Churches - Quinquennials

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