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Home News Young Organists Pipe Up!

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Young Organists Pipe Up!

by Michael Ford last modified 14 May, 2019 03:52 PM

A new generation of young organists is pulling out all the stops to keep the tradition alive.

Seven organists of the future have sounded out their intentions by taking to the console of the new Harrison and Harrison instrument at Edington Priory.

The young players, some of whom travelled the length and breadth of the diocese to be there, came together for the event organised by PipeUp on Sunday 28 April.

The scheme, which runs under the auspices of the Diocese, allows young would-be organists to have lessons with a local teacher, with support from the Tindall Trust ensuring that parents only pay around 50% of the real cost of tuition fees.

Chris Totney, one of the tutors who helped organise the concert, said:

"The PipeUp scheme has continued to expand since its introduction several years back and we now have around 35 children being supported by ten tutors around the diocese.

"Because we cover such a wide geographical area, we offer two concerts like this each year in the hope that the pupils will sign up for at least one of them.

"This latest concert at Edington brought about many impressive performances by the students who took part, ahead of exams for several of them this summer."

This year’s second concert is scheduled to take place at St Michael the Archangel’s Church in Lyme Regis on Sunday 6 October at 3pm. For further information about PipeUp, please contact Chris Totney , and keep up with the scheme’s progress on Twitter by following @PipeUpSalisbury.

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