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Home News Year Six Leavers 2016

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Year Six Leavers 2016

by Michael Ford last modified 14 Jul, 2016 10:33 AM

Over 1,000 children from schools across Wiltshire and Dorset have attended five days of activities at Salisbury Cathedral.

The Year 6 Leavers' Services are an annual fixture in our diocesan calendar. This year, 1,392 children took part in drama workshops and wrote acrostic poems about friendship before taking part in a daily service.

Each school supplied a banner and nominated banner bearers to carry them in procession at the start and finish of each service.

Photo gallery here

During the services, the children listened to dramatised readings of Ruth, a Bible story about loyalty to God and family, heard a short talk by a guest speaker and watched a contemporary dance by St Edmund’s Girls School.

Watch the dance here

They also sang ‘Wherever You Go’, a song composed for the occasion by Colin Martin of Woodford Valley Academy.

Hear the song here

Collective worship was led in turn by the Bishop of Salisbury, the Revd Jonathan Triffitt, Canon Robert Titley, the Bishop of Sherborne and the Revd Peter Greenwood.

At the end of each service, the children processed out of the West Door for a final blessing on the lawn at the front of the Cathedral, celebrating the end of primary school and the children’s transition to secondary school.

Main clip here (2min 12sec)

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