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Worship, Prayer and a plethora of cake

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Apr, 2019 05:19 PM

It’s two down and one to go in the Cley Hill Churches as they head towards Easter celebrating the success of the new outreach projects that have already taken place during Lent.

Worship, Prayer and a plethora of cake

Pictured: 'Spring Lunch with Friends' in Corsley

The Revd Pauline Reid, priest in Charge of the Cley Hill Churches and Rural Dean of the Heytesbury Deanery said:

"After the success of our Spring Lunch with Friends in Corsley, another part of our Benefice was excitedly preparing for the next bit of our rural hope Lent project which took place at Longbridge Deverill village hall.

"Our Rural Field Officer Claire Horton has been a big part of our planning and has been instrumental in guiding us in making sure that, amidst the plethora of cake, we build in worship and prayer.

"As we did in Corsley we sang a couple of favourite hymns, giving out prayer cards and offering the opportunity to write prayers to hang on our prayer tree.

"Each guest was given a small prayer card to take home and a parcel tag to write a prayer of their own to hang on the prayer tree; all the prayers would be offered to God during the Easter Day service. The meal was rounded off with two hymns and prayers for those who could not be with us. We gave grateful thanks to God for almost enjoyable afternoon and finished by praying the Lord’s Prayer together.

"We hope that some of the guests at the tea will be able to come to the Easter Day service but those who can’t will be assured that their prayers will be included in those offered on the day.

"Claire will also be with us at Chapmanslade church on Good Friday for another strand of our project, Good Friday Messy church with friends at 11.15am."

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