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Working for Green Transformation

by glynch last modified 11 Dec, 2020 04:59 PM

Last chances to attend events helping churches care for God’s creation

Christians have been invited to learn how their churches can care for creation.

The Tools for Transformation events are jointly organised by Christian environmental charity A Rocha UK and the Dioceses of Salisbury and Winchester. Although organised by the Church of England, the events are open to, and relevant for, Christians of all denominations.

The last two events are in Bournemouth and Devizes.

In Bournemouth the event will take place at 7.30 pm on Thursday 2 February at St Swithun’s Church this is just outside the diocese but is an event shared with Winchester. Ruth Valerio will speak in place of Andy Lester on behalf of A Rocha (poster here).

In Devizes at 7.30pm on 23 February at St James’ Church, Southbroom.

The events will explain the new Eco Church awards scheme, which helps and rewards churches for protecting the planet – Salisbury Cathedral recently won a bronze Eco Church award (read more here).

Andy Lester, Conservation Director at A Rocha UK, with a background in ecology, economics and the corporate sector, will be the keynote speaker.

Andy said, “The UK's churches should be leading the way on such a critical issue – after all the planet is God's, not our own.

“Gone are the days when environmental issues are merely a bolt-on for the interested few. As with poverty, trade and justice issues, finding creative and imaginative ways to rescue our planet is increasingly in the hands of the Church.

“Eco Church links practical action with sound biblical thinking, helping churches become a power for good for nature conservation and for the wider community. It helps motivate us to think globally and act locally, knowing that every tree planted, every bird box erected and every pond dug is an act of worship to God our creator.”

Bishop Nicholas added, “Tackling climate change and protecting our environment isn’t just a technical or scientific issue – it’s also a moral and spiritual issue, for people of all faiths or none. It’s about our beliefs and values, and how we put them into practice.

“I really want churches of all denominations to take part in the Salisbury event or one of the others taking place across Wiltshire, Dorset, and Hampshire. It is such an important issue for us to address locally.”

A Rocha UK is Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world. Find out more at

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