Women Stand Up To Be Counted
A number of women clergy in Wiltshire and Dorset have jointly issued a major new document, ‘After July’, ahead of a forthcoming vote in General Synod on draft legislation for Women Bishops.
Contributors to the 54-page paper include the Diocesan Director of Learning for Discipleship and Ministry Canon Jane Charman; former MP and Chair of the House of Laity Robert Key; Canon Jane LLoyd; the Dean of Salisbury June Osborne; and Co-ordinator for Learning for Discipleship Dr Stella Wood.
In her introduction, Canon Charman says, “Women are truly among some of the most gifted, dedicated and inspirational clergy in the Church – a Church which has yet to honour them as they deserve.”
She continues, “What women have chosen to say and the ‘tone’ or ‘voice’ in which they have said it has added significantly to my understanding of this issue and how it is perceived and experienced by those who are most directly affected by it. This seems to me worth sharing and my prayer is that this offering from the ordained women of Salisbury will in some way assist those who will soon be voting on the Measure.”
The Archdeacon of Sarum, Alan Jeans, said, “It’s a hallmark of this diocese, from the Bishop to the pews, that all are to be valued and affirmed for who they are and what they bring to the Church’s ministry. I would commend the paper to those in the diocese who are both for and against the Measure, as a helpful contribution to the ongoing discussion.”
Further information contact
Revd Canon Jane Charman, Director of Learning for Discipleship and Ministry
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