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Women in the Shadows

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Feb, 2021 08:06 PM

The Clewer Initiative has provided a strong resource to highlight the plight of women and girls caught up in modern slavery, raising awareness of the issues people face in our communities and across the world today.

Worldwide, women and girls account for 71% of the 40.3 million people living in modern slavery.

In the UK, it is harder to gather exact numbers but we know that in 2018, a third of cases reported to the UK Modern Slavery Helpline related to female victims.

To help shine a light on the suffering of marginalised women, The Clewer Initiative has launched 'Women in the Shadows', a new Lent course for churches, community groups and individuals.

The course comprises of 5 short films and a devotional booklet, with haunting survivor stories and insightful contributions from front line experts and campaigners.

You can visit the Sarum College website to book on.

The devotional booklet was written by colleagues in the Clewer network who are all deeply committed to combating modern slavery in their dioceses. Bible studies, reflections and prayers will help explore what the Bible says about social injustice, exploitation, and God’s heart for the poor. The devotional will also encourage action to help vulnerable women in our communities.

The films can be watched as standalone documentaries or as part of the complete course, as raising awareness of these issues is a fundamental part of continuing to combat the suffering of our fellow human beings.

The Diocese is presently planning a large-scale awareness-raising project linked to Modern Slavery which will include a focus on children and young people. This is being planned around Anti-Slavery Day on 18th October 2021.

More details will be released over the coming months, but there will be events that all schools will be able to participate in as part of our raising awareness campaign. We hope you will join us in seeking to reduce modern day slavery in our own communities and across the Diocese.

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