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Home News Wiltshire Ride and Stride 2021

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Wiltshire Ride and Stride 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2021 10:03 PM

Thanks to the commitment and energy of many supporters, Ride+Stride 2020 went ahead and raised over £44,000 for Wiltshire’s churches. This year's Ride+Stride takes place on Saturday 11th September.

Archdeacons Alan Jeans and Sue Groom say that last year's total "was an exceptional outcome from one of very few large-scale fundraising events in Wiltshire in 2020.

"The Government Roadmap out of lockdown measures now enables us all to plan our participation in Ride+Stride 2021.

"Ride+Stride is a vital source of funds. As well as boosting your own church's finances for essential repairs and enhancements, Ride+Stride enables the Trust to assist churches with grants. In the last 5 years the Trust has made grants to Wiltshire churches and chapels of all denominations totalling £429,000.

"This sponsored event is always much enjoyed by cyclists, walkers and horse-riders of all ages. Half the money raised goes back to your own church, and the other half is used by the Trust to respond as best it can to requests for grants. It is not necessary to be super-fit to take part in Ride+Stride; even a gentle stroll from one church to another can constitute participation.

"But for the more energetic there are cash prizes for the best achieving individuals in 3 age groups. The Brooke Cup (plus £500), and its equivalent for the under-18 age group, the Junior Group Cup (plus £100), are awarded to the most successful parishes."

Parish Ride+Stride Organisers need to complete the online form (link here) by 31st March at the latest.

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