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Home News Wiltshire Messy Church goes online

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Wiltshire Messy Church goes online

by Michael Ford last modified 31 Jul, 2020 04:49 PM

The present challenging times for our churches have prompted many creative solutions, especially when it comes to our work with families and children.

Many of our parishes were running very active Messy Church groups in their buildings before lockdown and were determined to continue to offer this mission and ministry despite all the restrictions.

So, like the rest of Church it went online, and using livestreaming and pre-recorded videos they have reached new audiences, as well as keeping in touch with existing families.

Wiltshire Messy Church Co-ordinator Hannah Tarring says:

"Covid-19 has brought many challenges, but also many opportunities. Messy Churches everywhere have been connecting with families in these difficult times, with creativity, hospitality and celebration being more important than ever.

"Here in Wiltshire, Messy Church leaders have been gathering to pray and network together to explore new and exciting ways to connect with our Messy Church families.

"In July, Messy leaders from the Canalside Team, Bradford on Avon and Melksham worked to create a Wiltshire Messy Church Online video. Our theme? Water!

"The story of Jesus walking on the water was brilliantly told by Bob Hartman, and our leaders linked activities to the stories of Jesus calming the storm and Moses parting the Red Sea. ‘Lighthouse’ by Rend Collective was used in the video as sung worship, and we loved praising God together!

"Families were encouraged to join in with exciting water-themed activities at home and enjoyed making paper boats, parting the pepper Red Sea (using white pepper, water and washing-up liquid), and making apple boats!

Wiltshire Messy Church Online- John ReesThe Revd John Rees joins in

"The video was tied together by exploring Jesus as the living water and finding out more about ways to support mission charities bringing fresh water to those in need. We finished with Messy Prayers and the Messy Grace, recorded with Messy leaders via Zoom.

"I believe that we are here for ‘such a time as this’ and look forward to linking with Wiltshire Messy Churches again later in the year."

View the Messy video here.

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