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Home News Wiltshire Council consults on Climate

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Wiltshire Council consults on Climate

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Jul, 2021 10:07 PM

Wiltshire Council is consulting on its draft Climate Strategy from 1st September for six weeks, as it aims to meet its pledge to be carbon neutral by 2030.

Marc Read, Community Engagement Manager, says:

“The consultation is your chance to help shape the future of Wiltshire in its journey to becoming a carbon neutral county and more resilient to climate impacts. The council will be asking for your views on how you think residents, communities and businesses in the county can all play their part to achieve this.

“There will be a chance to attend engagement events to ask questions and share your views during the six weeks of the consultation period, along with an online survey, so please do get involved and help to spread the word.

“The full consultation documents and information will be available at from 1st September.

“We all have a responsibility to do what we can to tackle this global problem, and your support on a local level will be vital, so please do get involved!”

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