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Whose in place of Who's?

by ajack last modified 30 Nov, 2021 07:45 PM

We often hit Post, Tweet, Share, Publish, and then carry on with our day. But do you ever think about who is in the image or video you shared? Or even more so, whether they know you are sharing it?

A brand new video, published by Faith in Our Village from West Wiltshire, talks about the  importance of consent from those in your visual media. Focussing solely on online safety, the video is filmed with a poetry overlay, and will be sure to get you thinking about your actions, and the consequences, before hitting send. 

An easy way to ask someone (18+) for consent is for them to sign a consent form. If you need consent for a minor, or vulnerable person, you will need to get their parent/guardian to sign a consent form on their behalf. Please be aware that consent is a personal choice to everyone, and consent forms can also be used to decline consent.

The video will get you thinking about your actions and whether sharing media of other people, especially other people’s children, is necessary. As the video says:

“just remember on apps or online/your photos don’t ever stay ‘only mine’”, it is so easy for others to see what we share on social media, and it’s just as easy for them to save or show it to others. 

Will you make sure you’re doing the most to keep yourself, and others, safe online? 

Watch the video HERE.

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