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What's in the Basket?

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Mar, 2019 10:58 AM

From the moment the Revd Jo Naish posted a picture of a basket in the boot of her car, with a question mark, the children at St John's Tisbury were asking "What's in the basket?"

What's in the Basket?

Original photo courtesy Jo Naish

The "What's in the Basket" idea isn't something the service had tried before, it came about in response to the need to cover a service normally led by Jo's first-Sunday-of-the-month worship team.

Photos on Facebook

"None of them were able to do it, so it fell to me. In trying to stay faithful to the Lectionary, and the story in Luke of the Transfiguration, the idea of using a lot of hats, to illustrate how we often only see one facet of people and to link this with how the disciples saw Jesus before the Transfiguration, seemed as if it might be child-friendly and have some way into the story for adults as well."

Jo, Associate Priest in the Nadder Valley, then decided that that a mystery container, photographed and placed on Facebook, might be a good way of inviting families to come along to the service.

"Our Facebook page is again usually managed by one of our younger families, but this time it became my concern. I knew that a bit of mystery would appeal to my Workshop people, but there is also the question of what do you see when you come in? Anything that is before the altar has to look as if it is meant to be there. Plastic bags are out and the basket came in."

The original post read:
"The car boot is full of a basket ... a lidded basket ...
"Family service means that in the basket there are .....well come and find out at St John's Tisbury at 9.30 tomorrow morning, when the crate will be opened and the contents revealed. All I can say is that you may see several people in a new light as we explore the Bible story of the day."

Jo said the post worked a treat:
"What actually happened was that the children and adults were asking "What's in the basket?" before the service, which proved a good thing - and the children helped me to unpack the basket before the Gospel reading.

"We used the activity to prepare for hearing the story. At the end of the service, the children helped place the hats down the nave as we prayed for people in all walks of life and that the love of Jesus might shine both on them and through them.

"One service, but a part of us exploring how to reach all parts."

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