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"We know this is tough"

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2020 07:13 PM

Bishop Nicholas has said he is encouraged "to see how Churches are seeking to live out our calling in such strange circumstances”.

In a letter to all clergy who are licensed or hold PtO and LLMs, the Bishop again thanked them for all they were doing "for the people in your care" and encourage them in these unprecedented times to care for themselves as well.

Writing as the Church entered Passiontide, Bishop Nicholas said:

"This is a season in which God meets our needs but there is no doubt it is demanding."

He added:

"We are likely to be here for some time so please take good care of yourself as well as of others.

"We have begun to settle into the new realities of life. Even so, every day brings something new that makes us question and review what we are doing in response to the pandemic."

Speaking about the third letter issued by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Bishop Nicholas said:

"They are reinforcing what has been said before. The priority is for people to stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

"We know this is tough and the requirement not to pray in church goes against the grain for all of us. The aim is to model what is needed from the whole community, minimise risk and save lives.

"The figures of deaths in Italy and Spain and the rising figure in the UK are an indication of where we might be going unless we take disciplined collective action, our collective Lenten discipline.

"The opportunities for praying at home and of using social media to be with others are considerable."

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