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"We can still be together"

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2020 07:59 PM

What's it like to go to an online Church service?

Well, Gillian Newton the Licensed Lay Minister from Bemerton Parish, explains how their first Sunday Service (brought to the community by Zoom) went:

"About 20 of us gradually signed in from 10am or so, with each one being greeted by those already there as their faces appeared on screen - sometimes with husband, wife or children there beside them.

"There were thankyou’s to people who had helped others set up Zoom on their devices and chat about how we were coping.

"Then at 10.30 we started with a prayer and a song, with Howard playing his guitar and singing, the song words on screen as well, and us all singing along but with our microphones switched to mute (variable speed of broadband – we think- gives a time lag between the voices and it sounds very echoey, so when we all join in prayers or singing, it is better to just hear the person leading).

"We proceeded through our slightly shortened Mothering Sunday Communion service, with one person reading the gospel, another leading intercessions and Martin Hancock presiding and preaching from home.

"Then there was fellowship for a while, with people saying how much seeing and hearing each other had left us all feeling we had genuinely spent time in each other’s company, worshipping God together, as on a normal Sunday.

"And in this strange world of social distancing and self isolation, we felt the grief of loss of our gathering as a church family for who knows how long being lifted from us.

"We can still be together – and laugh and smile and see and hear each others familiar faces and voices and pray with one another- and I think every one of us found it a source of hope and comfort.

"It is something we shall continue, with I expect our numbers growing – and we are already thinking of how when these times are over, we might continue to offer this form of church alongside our physical services or prayer meetings."

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