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We are motivated by Love

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Mar, 2020 04:37 PM

The top environmental problems we face may be selfishness, greed and apathy but, as Christians, we are equipped to tackle these.

That was one of the messages Bishop Nicholas gave to members of our Diocesan Synod who said that "by and large we are not motivated so much by fear as by love."

Speaking in his presidential address, Bishop Nicholas referred to another Diocesan meeting, saying:

"At Poole and North Bournemouth Deanery Synod on Tuesday night, Lydia Reese from A’Rocha suggested that we should enjoy, nurture and defend the environment out of love. It was a welcome vision.

"She also quoted Gus Speth, a scientist who used to the Director of the National Research Defence Council in the US, who said:

"'I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, eco system collapse and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy – and to deal with those we need a spiritual and cultural transformation – and we scientists don’t know how to do that.'"

But Bishop Nicholas went on to tell Synod:

"Spirituality and morality are very much the business of Christians, of the Church and of all faith communities; and for Anglicans to care for God’s creation it’s one of the marks of mission.

"#LiveLent Care For Gods Creation is proving to be a very successful Lent theme for the Church of England and this Diocese. It has something for everyone, individually and together and it speaks beyond the Church of the gift of God’s good creation."

He also told Synod, who met on Saturday, during Storm Jorge:

"More extreme weather events are very much connected with climate change. At our last meeting we recognised there is a climate emergency. General Synod has asked for a plan for the Church of England to be Net Zero by 2030 with reviews every 3 years at both General Synod and Diocesan Synod. It looks a tall order but the aim is for us to move faster in response to danger.

"We have our Diocesan environmental plan and work has begun nationally to see what is needed to aim for Net Zero by 2030."

To read the whole of Bishop Nicholas's address, click here.

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