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We are going to Africa!

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Jun, 2019 11:29 AM

Remember the Posada Family that toured the Chalke Valley during Lent? Well, the Dhuoor Family of refugee dolls now has a permanent home in South Sudan.

The family are going to be given to a widow and her family, along with their collection box which contained over £200 in donations given while the family were hosted by parishioners the length and breath of the Wiltshire Benefice.

Previous story here

The Revd Catherine Blundell, Rector of the Chalke Valley came up with the idea to have a refugee family that travelled throughout the Benefice during Lent:

"This highlighted our Lent topic which was ‘Journey’. The family were hosted by parishioners, both churchgoers and non-churchgoers the length and breadth of the Benefice. They spent time at Broad Chalke School and also ventured to the Nadder Valley to a school in Dinton. They attended many church services and even met the Bishop in Coombe Bissett on Mothering Sunday!

"The hosts were asked to keep a diary on behalf of the family and the diary entries are very moving and just wonderful.

"I just love the last entry, which makes me cry each time I read it!

‘…now we pack up our few belongings, our cooking pots, our bedding and our tent, to make the longest journey so far. We are going to Africa – what will we find there?...'

"The love, kindness and generosity shown by our Benefice to the project - that is just wonderful. In real life of course, a refugee family would not know what was ahead of them every day, not just in Lent. We were so pleased to be able to support the work of CRESS and through our Lent activities over £14,000 was raised.

"The family are going to be given to a widow and her family. She is the wife of an inspiring and amusing young priest called Emmanuel Amule. Unfortunately, he died young after a stroke and in great poverty. The monies collected in the Dhoor family box will be given to her to pay for longer-term sustainable items such as agricultural tools and maybe one of the Cooking 'wonderbags' - these allow boiled food in saucepans to carry on cooking without needing further fuel. It is wonderful to know that the small project in our Valley will be put to such good use by CRESS."

The family were taken to South Sudan by local Olivia Jones, who sent the following message back to the parishes:

"The Dhuoor refugee family were presented to Agnes Amule in Imvepi camp. This was a very moving encounter. I thanked her for the spark her late husband gave which lit the flame for the creation of CRESS and all it has and will achieve. Also, that his memory will live on in CRESS and that she must be very proud.

"She tearfully thanked us all for everything, explaining how hard life was in the camp. Her main concern she constantly voiced was always only for her children, not herself."

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