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Walking with Jesus

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Feb, 2020 04:20 PM

"This year I have found January a bit of a struggle, but what a blessing it was to take a day out to build our faith and encourage each other. Very much appreciated."

That was the thanks from one member of Calne Deanery who attended a recent Deanery Day where participants were encouraged to take the road to Emmaus with Jesus as their travelling companion.

Led by Wilts Archdeaconry Rural Field Officer Rhona Floate and our Discipleship Co-Ordinator Debbie Orriss, the ‘Walking with Jesus’ day was arranged for members of the Calne Deanery and used the road to Emmaus as the main scripture element.

Walking with Jesus- Debbie Orriss gives a presentation

Debbie Orriss gives a presentation

Debbie takes up the story:

"In the morning we explored what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and shared our experiences of growing in our faith through prayer and the Bible.

"This included an exercise called ‘Dwelling in the Word’, where we spent time with a Bible passage, and each shared in groups what we had particularly noticed as we listened to it being read. It was an enriching experience for many as we learnt from each other aspects of the scripture we hadn’t noticed before.

"In the afternoon, we thought about what God’s Kingdom was like, and how we as churches help children and adults to experience it, and enter into it. This led to some lively discussion! The opening worship was sensitively put together and led by Steven and Jenny Colby. Steven is training as an LLM and Jenny is a retired but still very active Church Army Evangelist."

People were invited to take a small cross or heart sticker to put in their shoe, to remind them that they were ‘walking with Jesus’ as they left.

Rural Dean Jane Curtis said:

"It was great to see a roomful of engaged people ready to contribute and learn and share. The fellowship and hospitality was also heart-warming. Several of those who came from Royal Wootton Bassett said how grateful they were for the day and the learning."

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