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Walking back to Happiness

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2020 05:20 PM

A Dorset vicar is 'virtually walking' from Bournemouth to Salisbury and back to raise much-needed funds for his church.

The Revd Simon Evans, Vicar of Ensbury Park in Bournemouth, will walk 1670 circuits of his empty church - the equivalent of walking the 50.6 miles to Salisbury and back.

The plan is to raise funds for his church which, like many others, has lost a "significant amount of income" due to the lockdown.

Simon says:

"I will be undertaking a virtual walk from Ensbury Park to Salisbury Cathedral, in this the 800th anniversary year of the Cathedral.

"Covid-19 has affected so many people in such devastating ways, and we hold them in our prayers, and has affected the church too.

"A significant amount of the income which the church relies on through the year has been lost while lockdown restrictions apply. Yet the work of the church continues being a presence of faith and supporting those in need around us, seeking to keep the isolated connected and being a beacon of hope to the community, and providing worship resources and opportunities online.

"The bills (which have not diminished) still have to be paid, and costs of ministry met, and we need to maintain the buildings so when the restrictions are lifted we have the church building and community centre ready to serve the community as it eventually emerges from lockdown.

"Whilst our regular supporters are in the main able to continue their giving, many of our additional sources of income - such as hall-rental, coffee mornings, concerts and fairs - have ceased. I hope this effort will help plug that gap to keep our church resourced to fulfil its mission in this place.

"Please sponsor me if you me can, thank you very much."

You can sponsor Simon via his JustGiving page, here.

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