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Home News Volunteers Wanted for Poole Homeless Drop-in Centre

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Volunteers Wanted for Poole Homeless Drop-in Centre

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Oct, 2020 05:09 PM

Poole homeless charity Routes to Roots is appealing for volunteers to help at their daily drop-in sessions at the United Reformed Church in Skinner Street in Poole.

The weekday sessions offer a vital service for Poole’s rough sleepers and vulnerably housed, by providing them with a hot lunch and outreach support. More than 20 people are now accessing this service with numbers increasing every week.

Volunteers play a crucial role, and without them the charity would not be able to offer the level of support that they do. Additional help is currently required in the kitchen between 12.30 and 3.00pm to make lunches and clear up afterwards. The charity is asking for anyone interested in volunteering for this rewarding role, even for just one session, two and a half hours each week, to contact them as soon as possible.

To protect and reassure their support team and clients, Routes to Roots is strictly complying with Coronavirus social distance and hygiene rules and has carried out a full risk assessment to make sure everyone is safeguarded. With clients now welcomed into the hall to eat their meals, numbers are staggered, and records are kept for those without phones for track and trace.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer should contact Drop-in Manager and Volunteer Co-ordinator Andy Mason at , or call the office on 07901 387643 / 01202 667880. For more information about Routes to Roots, visit

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