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Home News Vocations Sunday, 2019

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Vocations Sunday, 2019

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Mar, 2019 04:43 PM

A pack of resources and invites to get your church ready for Vocations Sunday on 12 May is now available online.

The 2019 Vocations Sunday pack brings together the most popular Church of England resources and provides a convenient starter for anyone looking to foster a culture of vocation in their parish or chaplaincy.

Along with a flier for the Ministry Experience Scheme which offers both rural and urban gap year placements in this Diocese for people aged 18 -30, the pack includes a monthly devotional, with a guide challenging ministers to commit to having a conversation a month about vocation.

The devotional can be gone through with an individual or group exploring where God is calling them, wherever that may be to. There is also a collection of stories to inspire others about the wonderful diversity of ministers and ministries within the Church of England along with stories and information to reassure anyone worried about the impact ministry may have on relationships and parenting.

The pack also offers a set of fliers which churches and ministers can sue to signpost people to vocational ministry and information on how to become a mentor and walk alongside someone following their vocation to ministry.

Speaking on the importance of Vocations Sunday, Archbishop Justin said:
"Vocations Sunday, the third Sunday after Easter, is a great opportunity to explore together where God is calling each of us, and we hope and pray that you will find this pack a valuable tool for preaching and leading studies, both on Vocations Sunday and throughout the year, so that together, we can grow in vocation to be the Church of Christ in this world."

Our Diocesan interim Vocations Co-ordinator, Tony Edmonds said:
"The biggest incentive to do anything... is to be asked.

"Vocations Sunday is a great opportunity to ask yourself and others, 'Is God calling me to something new?' If you even just have an inkling that the answer might be 'Yes', the Vocations team is here to help all who feel called to explore further.

"So, why not have a look at the links to all the great material for Vocations Sunday on the website? Whether you choose to go with the May 12th date or a date of your own, there's every incentive to start the ball rolling. Just ask: "Have you thought that God might be calling you to.....?"

The Vocations Sunday pack is now available to order on Church Print Hub.

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