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Use your LOAF

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Mar, 2020 04:23 PM

This year the Upper Wylye Valley Team kick started their Lenten journey with a pancake party where they used their 'LOAF'.

The team made sure the drinks and ingredients at the party at Upton Lovell Village Hall followed ‘LOAF’ principles – Local, Organic, Animal-friendly, Fairtrade.

Trudy Hobson, Team Rector explains:

"We are striving to play our part in caring for God’s creation. With this year’s Lenten focus being #LiveLent: Care for God’s Creation.

"It is no secret that the food we buy is contributing to climate change and the rapid decline of our beautiful world that God created. We have become used to all varieties of fruits and vegetables being available regardless of season or country of origin. Importing large amounts of food to Britain is contributing to our country’s carbon footprint which is now under scrutiny as our government are aiming for the UK to be carbon neutral by 2045.

"Over the last few weeks, General Synod has committed to lead the way in caring for God’s creation by setting an aim for the Church of England to be carbon neutral by 2030. Our churches in the Upper Wylye Valley are working hard to do our bit by starting out with small and achievable changes.

"One of the changes we made was to follow our LOAF.

"Our ingredients being ‘LOAF’ set us up for a fun filled and joyful evening where many families from across the valley came together to play games, make new friends, join in the pancake race, and eat tasty environmentally friendly pancakes.

Use your LOAF- pancake race

"This event has shown us how easy it can be to make small changes for a big impact. We’ve made a start and hope to build on this across our team in various different ways including working towards the A Rocha Eco Church awards."

Do  of what you;'re doing in Lent!

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