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Home News Unused drop-in money goes to Food Bank

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Unused drop-in money goes to Food Bank

by Michael Ford last modified 01 May, 2020 06:28 PM

With Poole Food Bank struggling to meet the increased demand for food at this challenging time, Christian homeless charity Routes to Roots has decided to donate to them all the money they would have spent on food at their drop-ins.

Unused drop-in money goes to Food Bank

Courtesy RoutestoRoutesHomeless on Facebook

The charity was forced to shut down the drop-ins due to the social distancing restrictions.

Posting on Facebook, Routes to Roots said:

"At a time when we are unable to feed the hungry ourselves, we feel it is vital that we help our partner agencies, who are still able to get food to those in need, including many of our clients.

"We welcome this opportunity to be able to give something back, to help the Food Bank feed those, who may only be a step away from being homeless themselves.

"Over the years, so many of you have helped us with your donations of food. During this crisis we ask that you help the Food Bank who would welcome tins of meat, potatoes, rice pudding and fruit, long grain rice, pasta sauce, coffee, UHT milk."

Any donations can be dropped at the Food Bank, Longfleet URC, Longfleet Rd, (next to the petrol station), 9.30am - 12noon.

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