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Home News Tweet your way through the day: David Pain

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Tweet your way through the day: David Pain

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Jan, 2022 08:55 PM

Every Tuesday, we are handing over the reins of social media to a different individual, to showcase their daily life within the Diocese. This week Diocesan Secretary, David Pain, took us with him for a day in his shoes. Here's a roundup:

After using his commute time to spend time with God, David was straight into a busy day which started with responding for the diocese to the national consultation on a routemap to #NetZero for the Church of England: "Its going to be a financial challenge, but I think more one about mission." 

Then at 11, the wonders of technology brought remote team members together: "With a disbursed team we have a weekly virtual coffee shop Tuesday @11 a chance to check in and hear how work is going, and share a laugh too!" 

Later in the day, David had his monthly catch up with Suzy, and you can see a snippet below: 

Next, was another meeting! This time with Liz Ashmead, Finance Director, and David said: "Financing the work of the diocese is a central part of our work in the Board of Finance" 

David's final task was some necessary admin, with the help from a PA whom he's extremely grateful for: "Don't you love minutes of a church meeting?! An end of the day task for me, to complete recent Bishop's Council minutes.... Thanks to a fantastic PA for a strong draft, Jo you are 5*" 

Then he made his way home and his final tweet of the day:  

A huge thank you to David for taking the time to share his day with us, and of course Happy Birthday! 

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