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Training the Trainers

by Michael Ford last modified 14 May, 2019 02:17 PM

A quick reminder about the Parish Safeguarding Officer and Train the Trainer workshop on Tuesday 21 May at 10am in St Nicholas Church Centre, Corfe Mullen BH21 3LE.

Click here to book in

In recent years the Diocese has made good progress in changing not just policies and practices relating to Safeguarding, but changing the level of understanding as to why it is so important, and causing a change in attitudes and behaviours of everyone in the Diocese who has a Safeguarding responsibility.

This change has happened partly because of the increased priority Safeguarding has been given, but mainly because so many voluntary and paid members of the Diocese have taken responsibility themselves, making our Diocese a safer place for all.

The role of Parish Safeguarding Officers and Safeguarding Trainers is vital to this process. Safeguarding Workshops are held twice a year, and provide a valuable opportunity for the Safeguarding Team to update attendeees on the latest developments and hear what we could do to better help you in your role.

Remaing places are limited. Click here to book in

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