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Tom's Teddies

by Michael Ford last modified 07 Oct, 2021 10:03 PM

As our parishes adapt to changing times, Renewing Hope continues to take many forms: some prayed, some displayed, some acted upon - and some knitted.

The Revd Andy Muckle, Vicar of St Mary’s West Moors, says:

"Captain Sir Tom Moore was one of the inspirational heroes of the pandemic and he continues to inspire people to this day.

"Veronica Morgan, a long-standing parishioner of St Mary’s in West Moors, was listening to the radio in April this year when she heard Captain Tom’s daughter suggesting that, for the occasion of what would have been Tom’s 101st birthday, people might like to consider doing 100 of something in his memory.

"Veronica has unfortunately spent most of the last eighteen months house-bound after a fall, but inspired by Tom’s daughter’s words, Veronica decided to knit 100 teddies – Tom’s Teddies.

"After five months of hard knitting, the 100 Teddies are now completed and look wonderful in their rainbow array of colours. Each Teddy also sports an appropriately dashing scarf with a ‘T’ at either end for Tom’s Teddies.

Tom's Teddies- detail

"With the blessing of The Captain Tom Foundation, Veronica is now looking to donate the teddies to local children’s hospices. Veronica has found the knitting to be a life-saver whilst being house-bound and she jokes that she can now knit the teddies without a pattern!

"This is one of the loveliest stories I have been privileged to witness in West Moors. What an inspiration Captain Tom, Veronica and Tom’s Teddies are to us all!

"Not that Veronica’s knitting needles are getting too much rest - she has now moved on to knitting poppies for Remembrance!"

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