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Home News "Together we will rebuild and flourish"

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"Together we will rebuild and flourish"

by Michael Ford last modified 30 Apr, 2021 11:53 PM

Our Diocesan President Rosie Stiven brings news from the Mothers’ Union and a message from Worldwide President Sheran Harper.

"Together we will rebuild and flourish"

Sheran Harper

Rosie says:

"I was delighted to see so many members come together in our ‘virtual’ Spring Council meeting on 22nd April. This was an opportunity to join in Prayer and Fellowship – yes remotely, but so good to ‘see’ everyone again.

"I had the great pleasure of sharing Sheran Harper’s message with our members. Here it is:
“Together we will rebuild and flourish, carrying the Light of Christ. Be strong for those around you. Hold tight, for we are a blessing and a lifeline for others. Do not worry, for God has got us and this time will pass.
“Thank you for your commitment, loyalty, generosity and versatility when facing all the challenges which have been tossed towards you. Please pass on my love and gratitude to all members – we are eternally grateful for all your prayers.”

"Inspired by Sheran’s words, our meeting continued in positive vein with presentations about how MU members can really engage with protecting the Environment, and how we can raise those much-needed funds to support our work of helping families in need. Revd Jo Naish introduced our ‘Go the Extra Mile’ fund raising project and invited all members to participate. Also high on the agenda was the need to find new leaders who will take us into the next triennium.

"I asked members to think about the future of our wonderful Salisbury MU and to make sure that we have the leadership in place for the next triennium."

Rosie quotes Sheran again, saying:

"“And so I make this plea to you and to all members. I ask each and every one of you to just take time to listen to God. The Holy Spirit is working with us, He’s working in us and He’s working through us. Is He whispering in your ear to come forward? Is He putting a name into your mind and a thought for you to ask a fellow member? Please pray, please dig deep – this is so important for all our members and for our whole organisation.”

"We are looking forward to joining with MU across Britain, All Ireland and our brothers and sisters worldwide in our celebration of Thy Kingdom Come. This will be available on MU Facebook and YouTube on Friday 14th May at 2.00pm – so don’t forget to tune in.

"Of course, we all hope that we will be able to meet in person, sooner rather than later, but I am delighted that so many of our members have embraced new technology and are encouraging others to do the same. After a year which has been full of very dark moments, the Light of Christ continues to shine and to guide us onward – Rebuilding Our Hope and Confidence.

"In the words of Teresa of Avila -

"Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, Though all things pass, God does not change. Patience wins all things. But he lacks nothing who possesses God. For God alone suffices."

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